English Language Challenges

 Hello everyone again! I hope they are well, today I have to make my last blog, 10 blogs have been since I started and I think it has been an interesting experience, since I had never written on the internet about myself, and also write it in English, every week talk about a different topic, I have to admit that many times I was lazy to make one hahaha 😂

 The English at the university, has made me feel that my writing skills have not been developed as I expected, but I have learned the meaning of many words, so I have improved a bit, and to pronounce better, but I should improve the pronunciation of many words, I have been learning through songs and movies, and I need to learn to order what I want to say.

 I would like to in the future do less blogs, I think they could be to make them at home, or that we should blog once or twice a month, but do not blog every week. But I must say that I think it is a good idea to write on the tastes of each one, although it would include new things, how to make a video group, and do other work in classes.
Outside of classes I use very little English, I watch movies and subtitled songs, so I can say that I use English.
For the professional context I would like to use it to talk with other people, I believe and I am convinced that it is very necessary to learn English, I hope that from here to work when I manage English better, I also hope to be able to study in a country where the classes are in English, so I should learn now.


  1. I think we can make more writing expression tasks to improve our skills but not always with blogs !

  2. He also said that we should do less blogs

  3. I hope that when we are professionals we will master English

  4. I agree with you that the idea of the blogs is very good but they should be done in the house.

  5. I agree with you, knowing English is very necessary for the future

  6. I think you're not the only one who thinks there are a lot of blogs! hahaha

  7. Yes, i'm 100% agree with the idea of the blogs!! Too much, but they're useful jajajaja


  8. It is very rewarding to realize that you are learning every day more jejej


  9. I hope we can improve English at some time, friend jjajaj


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