
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

English Language Challenges

  Hello everyone again! I hope they are well, today I have to make my last blog, 10 blogs have been since I started and I think it has been an interesting experience, since I had never written on the internet about myself, and also write it in English, every week talk about a different topic, I have to admit that many times I was lazy to make one hahaha 😂  The English at the university, has made me feel that my writing skills have not been developed as I expected, but I have learned the meaning of many words, so I have improved a bit, and to pronounce better, but  I should improve the pronunciation of many words, I have been learning through songs and movies, and I need to learn to order what I want to say .  I would like to in the future do less blogs, I think they could be to make them at home, or that we should blog once or twice a month, but do not blog every week. But I must say that I think it is a good idea to write on the tastes of each one, althoug...

Changes to my study program

Hello everyone, at this time I will talk about of changes to my study program (I study Public Administration at the University of Chile since 2017). The current study program of the Public Administration career is from 2015, there has not yet been a generation of students that has finished completely (the career lasts for 5 years), but I still consider that the study program has a logical order, but the academic load that exists is very heavy. The load of work is great, the career has a range of courses that are very different every semester, if I could add a course (without producing an excessive burden) it would be a national policy course (in the first semester) or a course of about gender (in the second semester) or an optional course to know the indigenous culture of Chile (in the third semester), and with respect to the schedules, they are all different, I would only hope that there were not so many breaks. Regarding the infrastructure of the "Escuela de Gob...

Personal Opinions

Hello everyone, at this time I will present 4 different opinions that I have on different topics. - What is your opinion about recycling? I think that recycling is very good, it should be inculcated to all people of the world since a young age, we must take care of the planet, the amount of garbage is impressive, I consider that eliminating plastic is a great measure, but promoting recycling should be an Initiative of each country, on all continents, together with promoting environmental care - What is y our opinion about the US, Chilean, Argentine, and Brazilian far right governments and how they will impact our neighboring countries? I believe that the right-wing governments mentioned in the question come with a nationalist disposition, and that the United States, and its government led by Donald Trump, have an economic policy that is not friendly to the environment; and that countries that are global powers above all the USA and Brazil, impact throughout the r...